In the current Extraordinary Situation – Novel Corona virus (COVID-19), which has been spread across the world rapidly and effective the Life rapidly. We are taking immediate and extensive actions to safeguard our employee & Stakeholders by taking the appropriate action to prevent the spread infection in organization and within our process / activities
and to our Clients / Stakeholder. within our operations and wherever
we work for our clients.
We are taking all the possible action as per directions of the Government of India / Local Govt. Authority /WHO / Accreditation Body.
We have taken following contingency plan, during the Extraordinary Situation – Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).
– Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Audit/Inspection/ Training Purposes.
– Adopt the Remote Audit / Inspection/ Training
– Work from Home (For of our Employee)
– Regular update the Health condition to Management
– Avoid Traveling for the Purpose of Audit / Inspection/ Training.
– All the Clients will be informed in advance, for Audit / Inspection
/ Training purpose, Physical visit will be avoided and Audit /Inspection / Training activities – will be conducted Remotely by ICT (which is suitable to Client).
– All the client will be Audited remotely (as much as Possible). Management Team are closely monitoring the development and notifications / Directions of Government of India/ Local Govt. Authority / Accreditation Body / WHO. If any Changes / development / directions announced will be informed time to time.
We are taking our best efforts to ensure business response to highest possible levels. Also, we strongly committed to continuing our services as best possible to meets the compliance requirements.
We request to all employee / Stakeholder / Client for co-operation to manage the delivery of services during the current Extraordinary Situation – Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).

With Best Regards
Managing Director
WMS Group